EAVDI Bylaws
Article 1 The Association
The European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EAVDI) is a non-profit making organisation and does not pursue commercial interests. The finances of the Association may only be spent in accordance with the constitution. Members or officers shall receive no payment from the funds of the association, with the exception of:
- Reimbursement of expenses made as an official representative of the Association.
And - Scholarships and travel grants as awarded to member(s) of the Association by the Screening Sub-Committee for Scholarships and Travel grants.
The language of the Constitution, Bylaws, Annual General Meeting and correspondence shall be English.
Article 2 Annual General Meeting
It is the duty of members of the Association to establish and maintain a good record of attendance at Annual General Meetings.
The Annual General Meeting is the principal legislative forum of the Association and its proper business shall be:
- The formal approval of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
- To determine and update the Constitution and Bylaws.
- The Election of Officers.
- Approval of members of sub-committees and of co-opted members of the Executive Committee.
- The election of auditors for the Association's accounts.
- The election of new members.
- The formal approval of the business conducted by the board of officers during the preceding year including the President's report, the Honorary Secretary's report and the Honorary Treasurer's report, including an audited statement of the Association's accounts.
- The formal approval of business conducted by Sub-Committees.
- Formal approval of business conducted by divisions.
- To take action on business, presented by the board, by members, or as required by the constitution.
- Establishing membership dues for the forthcoming year.
- Expulsion of members.
- Confirmation of the date and place of the next EAVDI Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting.
- Discussion of any other business.
- Each honorary or ordinary member of the Association has the right to vote in person during the Annual General Meeting. Each such member has one (1) vote
All decisions requiring a vote during an Annual General Meeting shall be determined by an absolute majority of votes, with the exception of decisions concerning additions or amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws, decisions on the recognition of Divisions and decisions on affiliation with other societies. In such cases a two-thirds majority of members entitled to vote and present at the meeting with a quorum of 30 members, will be required.
Student members may attend the AGM but must inform the Honorary Secretary beforehand. Student members may not vote and may be asked to vacate the room while voting takes place.
Article 3 Officers
The officers of the Association shall be the President, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer. The term of office is two years. Election of officers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
3.1 Duties of Officers
3.1.1 The President shall preside at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, preserve order, regulate debates, appoint special committees not otherwise provided for, announce results of elections and perform all other duties legitimately appertaining to his or her office.
- The President shall be chairperson of the Executive Committee and chairperson of the Screening Sub-Committee for scholarships and travel grants.
- The President shall seek nominations for the Douglas and Williamson award during his or her second term of office.
- The President shall be responsible for nominating a temporary Honorary Secretary or Treasurer in the event of indisposition of one of these officers.
- If the President is unable to be present at a particular meeting of the Association, the Honorary Secretary, or failing that the Honorary Treasurer shall act as Chairman.
3.1.2 The Honorary Secretary shall attend to the correspondence of the Association.
The Honorary Secretary shall maintain a list of members of the Association and keep minutes of the Annual General Meeting in books which shall be the property of the Association and accessible to members. These books will be made available for inspection at all reasonable times and places.
The Honorary Secretary shall present a yearly report to the Annual general Meeting and perform any other duties of a secretary.
3.1.3 The Honorary Treasurer shall advise the President on budget matters, shall arrange for the safekeeping of all funds, draw vouches, pay bills and expenses, and submit a written financial statement to all members annually.
The Honorary Treasurer shall keep full and accurate books of accounts containing records of all income and expenditure. These records shall be the property of the Association and open to inspection by the two authorised Auditors appointed by the Officers of the Association and approved by members of the Association.
The Honorary Treasurer shall submit for approval by the Annual General Meeting a statement of the Association's account for the period running two months prior to the last AGM to two month prior to the current AGM. Official Auditors who are approved by members of the Association must audit this statement.
Article 4 Auditors
Auditors are elected by the members present at the Annual General Meeting to act for the accounting period up to the next AGM. Auditors will be eligible for re-election following approval by the Annual General Meeting.
It is the duty of auditors to evaluate the report of the Honorary Treasurer and to certify that to the best of their knowledge it is a full and fair account of the Association's finances.
Article 5 Committees
5.1 The Executive Committee of the Association
- The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of all officers of the Association, the Senior vice President, the immediate past Secretary and Treasurer and the Chairmen of all recognised Divisions. Other members may be invited by the officers to join the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee of the Association shall consider all business and policies of the Association.
- The Executive Committee shall have responsibility for organising, approving and administering all scientific and business matters including approval of the actions of the Divisions.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt further members or to set up ad hoc committees for special purposes. If these members or sub-committees are to continue to serve in the period after the next AGM, approval to do so must be gained from the members at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall consider and act upon charges against members of the Association for alleged offences against the constitution or charges of unprofessional conduct and shall have the authority to recommend expulsion of a member for grievous offences.
5.2 The Screening Sub-Committee for Scholarships and Travel Grants
- Scholarships and Travel Grants may be made available to assist individual members with the costs associated with attending an Annual EAVDI Conference.
- The Screening Sub-Committee for Scholarships and Travel Grants shall consist of the President and Honorary Treasurer of the Association, the chairperson of the Credentials Committee of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, and one member at large who ideally and normally will be a representative of the next EAVDI Annual Conference organising Committee.
- The Screening Sub-Committee shall report to the Executive Committee.
- The President of the Association will act as the secretary for the Screening Sub-Committee.
- The Screening Sub-Committee will review all applications and will inform applicants of their decision.
- The Executive Committee shall establish the total amount of money to be made available for the coming year and the amount to be awarded to any individual applicant. These amounts will require approval by the membership at the AGM.
The following rules shall apply in relation to scholarships or travel grants.
- Applicants for a scholarship or travel grant must be members in good standing.
- Applicants must have submitted or undertake to submit a paper or poster at the EAVDI conference for which the application is presented.
In awarding grants preference will be given to members of the Association who are studying Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and are preparing for special degrees or examinations with a view to becoming a member of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging or in some other way, a veterinary imaging specialist. Applications must be submitted on an official form, which should be made available by the President or Honorary Treasurer of the Association. Notice about the method of application and any deadlines will be communicated to all EAVDI members and available on request from the Honorary Treasurer.
Article 6 Divisions
Divisions of the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging are professional non-profit making organisations with the same objectives as the Association.
6.1 Officers
Each Division shall have a board of three officers, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, of which the Chairman will represent the Division on the Executive Committee of the Association.
The duties of the Division's Officers shall conform to those of the Officers of the Association.
6.2 Meetings
Divisions must hold an Annual General Meeting at a time and place of their choosing.
A yearly report of the activities and meetings of each division shall be forwarded for approval to the Executive Committee of the Association and shall be presented by the Chairman of the Division or by some other official representative of the Division to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Meetings of Divisions shall be made know to all members of the Association in good time.
6.3 Finances
Financial activities of Divisions must conform to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
Divisions shall have their own financial accounts for the safe deposit of income from courses, meetings and other sources.
If the Division is to collect the annual EAVDI subscriptions it is required to pass this on in full to the Association. A percentage of this amount may be returned to the Division for its own use depending on the financial situation of the Association as a whole. The size of any refund is to be decided by the executive committee and approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Profits of a Division's activities may be used by the Division's officers for purposes as described in the Division's constitution and bylaws. The Association has no obligation to cover deficits from local meetings or pay other expenses incurred by Divisions. Funds, if available, may move from the Association to assist a Division in a manner to be decided by the Executive Committee and approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
The Association shall have the right to use funds held by Divisions in situations where to fail to do so would cause the bankruptcy and dissolution of the Association. In the event of the dissolution of a Division, all assets shall be delivered to the Honorary Treasurer of the Association. The Executive Committee of the Association will arrange for its proper use.
Article 7 Amendments
Proposed amendments or alterations to these bylaws must be submitted in writing to the President of the Association for study at least three months before the next Annual General Meeting. Such proposals be they submitted, or arising from the officers of the Association, shall be distributed to the membership with a recommendation of the Executive Committee, at least two calendar months prior to the Annual General Meeting and shall be brought to a vote of members present at this meeting. An affirmative vote of at least two thirds of members present shall be required for adoption. The necessary quorum shall be 30 members (Ordinary or Honorary).
Article 8 Dissolution of the Association
In the event of dissolution of the Association, all assets shall be expended for a beneficial educational purpose
Bylaws adopted, Vienna 1999