Authors must be a member of EAVDI. Submitted abstracts should present original scientific data. Abstracts must be submitted by February 11th 2024. Abstracts submitted after this date will not be considered for presentation. The presenting author should be available to present the abstract at the EAVDI-BID meeting. Abstracts should not have been previously published or submitted to a peer reviewed veterinary journal.
- Abstracts must not exceed one page (maximum 350 words)
- The abstract must be single spaced and right-left justified using 12 point Arial font
- Figures are not permitted
- Use UK English spelling
- The submitted file of the abstract must be saved as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx)
- Name the file with the presenting authors surname and the first 4 words of the title
- BOLD AND CAPITALISE THE TITLE OF THE ABSTRACT and underline the name of the presenting author. Do not enter authors’ post nominals. Use the following format:
ABSTRACT TITLE IN UPPERCASE. A.B. Charles1, D.E. Frances, G.H. Ingleman. 1Institution affiliation, State, Province or County, Postal or Zip Code, Country.
Note position of commas and full-stops and that initials are given before the surname. No e-mail address is required. A maximum of 5 authors and 2 affiliations are allowed to leave sufficient space for scientific content. Abstracts should be organized according to:
Introduction or Purpose:
Discussion or Conclusions:
References (optional):
References are optional but are not included in the 350 word count and a maximum of 3 are allowed. References should be cited as per the ANSI standard style adapted by the National Library of Medicine. For samples of reference citation formats, authors should consult the National Library of Medicine web site http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html.
Abstract presentations will be in the for of a 10 minute presentation with 5 minutes allowed for questions at the end of the abstract.