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Registration is now OPEN!

This year we will be heading to the Winchester Hotel and Spa in Winchester, Hampshire on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November

Similar to last year, Friday 8th November is a designated 'non-diplomate day' packed with great lectures on ultrasound and radiography, with plenty of interactive radiographic cases. Saturday 9th November is open to all and this year will be based on the theme of 'Head and neck imaging'. We have some really great speakers lined up, so it is definitely one not to miss! 


Saturday will also feature cutting edge imaging abstracts - if you would like to submit an abstract for the chance to present, now is the time!

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Board and successful authors will be invited to present during the meeting. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words and should not have been previously published or submitted to a scientific journal. Abstract presentations will be 10 minutes long, with 5 minutes allowed for questions from the audience. Please click here for the submission guidelines.

The deadline for submission is Sunday 22nd September 2024.  Abstracts should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The full submission guidelines are available by clicking the link below.

Prices for this year's autumn meeting are as follows:
1 Day2 Days
EAVDI Member






If you are planning to stay at our venue Winchester Hotel and Spa, you can use the discount code VET811 (either by phone or in 'Group Code' on the website when booking your dates) to get a reduced room rate of £125pn which includes breakfast and access to the spa.

Secure your place today

Places are allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis. Please book early to avoid disapointment.

EAVDI Member Discount!
Please remember there are discounted fees for members. Simply log in using your username and password to take advantage of reduced costs.

Please indicate how many days you wish to attend.
The menu and cost of this meal will be available at the venue.
We use the PayPal secure gateway for our booking payments. Please ensure you have your PayPal login ready before you submit your booking. You can also pay as a guest if you do not have a PayPal account. Please note if you require a reciept for your payment be sure to download the transaction invoice directly from PayPal.
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Events & Meetings

EVDI Congress 18th - 21st September - Athens, Greece.
For more information please click HERE

EAVDI-BID Autumn Meeting - Friday 8th & Saturday 9th November 2024 - Winchester, Hampshire.
Registration is now open!

If you would like to become a member of EAVDI-BID our annual membership fee is only £28


We hope to see you all in the Autumn!
EAVDI-BID committee

Members Attendance Registration


The EAVDI BID committee invite you to take part in the development and growth of the British and Irish division of the European Association of Diagnostic Imaging.

Our organisation is keen to enroll new members for better understanding of the needs and practices of our profession. We hope to see our membership swell and we welcome new members with technical and practical skills as well as new veterinary practitioners within other disciplines to learn how diagnostic imaging supports a wide range of needs.


Board Members


Mark Plested

ACVR and ECVDI Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists
Selborne Road
GU34 3HL

Chair of the British Irish Division,
European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

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Ella Fitzgerald

RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

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Jerry Shimali

European Veterinary Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging

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Alastair Nelson Award


Alastair Nelson was a highly respected equine veterinary surgeon who was highly active in the field of equine diagnostic imaging and who was a pioneer of standing equine computed tomography.  Following his sad loss at the age of 46 in 2009, EAVDI-BID have set up a travel award in his honour, to promote the field of equine diagnostic imaging. The first year that submission is accepted is 2012.

The Award

A sum of up to £150 will be available once each year to support a veterinary surgeon working at a British or Irish veterinary practice (including Vet School, Referral Hospital, etc) who is attending a scientific congress to present a clinical research abstract in the field of equine diagnostic imaging.  The money is to contribute to travel and registration expenses incurred by attending the conference.

Application Procedure

The abstract (max 400 words), along with an accompanying letter, should be submitted to the Andrew Parry (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 31st March of the year of the presentation.  One application is allowed per veterinary surgeon, and a surgeon may only receive the award on one occasion.  If there are multiple applications for the award in a year, the EAVDI-BID committee will determine whether the fund will be awarded in total to a single candidate, or split between several.  The candidates will be informed of the committee’s decision by the end of May of that year.  If there are no applications received by the 31st March, there will be no award that year.

Successful Candidates

The successful candidates will be listed on the EAVDI-BID Website, along with the title and year of their presentation.  The successful candidate will also be expected to present their abstract at the EAVDI-BID Autumn Meeting that year.

If there are any queries, please contact the EAVDI (BID) chairman.


The Association has it roots in the British Veterinary Radiology Association (BVRA), which was founded in the 1960s to promote the study and development of veterinary radiology. In 1991, this group became the European Veterinary Radiology Association (EVRA) in recognition of the increasing continental involvement, and at the first annual general meeting in Switzerland in 1992, the name was changed to the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EAVDI). It is now a truly international association, and encompasses all aspects of diagnostic imaging, including radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear medicine. Membership of EAVDI is open to members of the veterinary and medical professions as well as other workers who are interested in these subjects. The Association embraces the professional interests of all its members. Members are kept informed of news, meetings and other items of interest by regular newsletters.

The British and irish Division of EAVDI usually meets twice a year at locations in the UK. These meetings provide both CPD material (e.g. review papers from Diplomates in imaging), and presentation of original research. Traditionally, day meetings are held in the Pre-BSAVA Congress satellite session, and there is also a weekend meeting in the Autumn. As well as providing a high quality scientific programme, the weekend meeting is noted as a very enjoyable social event.

EAVDI also welcomes all veterinary surgeons that intend to sit certificate level examinations in diagnostic imaging (advanced practitioner certification). All candidates for these examinations are advised to join EAVDI-BID.

As the membership list includes most of the specialists in veterinary diagnostic imaging in Europe, one of EAVDI's most important roles is to act as a forum where their knowledge and experience can be shared and discussed.

A Congress of the entire European Association is held every year.

Recent venues have included Switzerland, Sardinia, Berlin, Cambridge and Stockholm. These have been distinguished by the excellence of the presentations, and give the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of colleagues from all over Europe in interesting surroundings. All members of EAVDI are automatically members of the International Veterinary Radiology Association (IVRA), which also organises an international conference every three years.

BID Constitution

European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (British and Irish Division)

The British and Irish Division is a Division of the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, recognised under the Constitutional changes of the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging made in 1999. The Division is a non-profit making organisation and does not pursue commercial interests.

AGM Minutes and Reports


We are currently working on the document archive

EAVDI BID Autumn Meeting 2023


On the Thursday before the meeting, we had a very successful Ultrasound CPD Day with 17 new members receiving practical ultrasound teaching from Pete Mantis.

Our traditional Autumn meeting took place during Friday and Saturday with over 70 attendees. There was a great mix of radiological cases, high quality research and informative lectures across the two days, rounded off with a couple of memorable meals out for a chance to catch up with old friends.

Demand for the meeting was very high - we're sorry to those who missed out on a place, but we hope to see you all soon!